Last Making


This class go for 4 days. We will begin by taking measurements, discuss fit and style to determine our toe shape and any special needs before making the pattern.

We will use hard Western Maple to build your last, as well as an assortment of machinery and tools including ban saws, power sanders and grinders, hand held rasps, sand paper and scrapers to cut and sculpt your lasts into shape!

Before varnishing your lasts in a non- toxic Polyurethane… we will sand them to a smooth finished state.

You will complete this class with a pair of custom lasts to make your own personal footwear for years to come…

Start Time : We will begin at 9:30 am , and go until 5:00 pm PST. This includes an hour break for lunch.

NOTE : Please contact me directly to reserve a class date before paying. Thank you!

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