• Do you still offer group classes?

    No. I taught group classes for 10 years and now that I am expanding and exploring new styles and techniques, I prefer my focus to be one individual student project. However, I’m open to teaching two people i.e couples, siblings, parent/child, friends or colleagues!

  • Where is the class located and what is the duration?

    My home garage studio in the Piedmont neighborhood of North Portland. Class goes from 9:30 - 5 pm with an hour break for lunch. They usually run anywhere from 3-6 days in length - depending on the project.

  • What level of experience is needed, if any?

    While some experience with sewing machines and or power tools is a plus NO EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED. I’ve been teaching for well over 20 years and have worked with students at every level from cranky old shoemakers to someone who’s never made something with their hands before ...

  • What do I need to bring for class? What's included in the price?

    I provide all the materials, tools and equipment you will need to build your last, or to complete your pair of shoes. You may also bring any materials you’d wish to use.

  • What is your refund policy?

    No refunds are available for any purchase, deposit or balance paid. I run a small business and use your payments to directly purchase materials for each class or tool kit.

    I am always happy however to work with you to reschedule a class, replace defective tools or adjust the fit on a custom order.

  • I'm traveling from out of town, where do you recommend staying?

    There are 20+ Airbnb bookings in the Piedmont area. I also recommend The Viking Motel, Kenton Hotel, and The Irvington Casa.

  • Do you use other materials besides leather?

    The vast majority of my experience is in working with leather but I have worked with canvas, neoprene and other textiles as well. I’m open to new ideas and am happy to discuss the possibilities with you …

  • Do you still make Non-Lasted shoes?

    Yes, but only by request..

    Time away from my regular schedule of classes during the pandemic allowed me to do a lot of reflecting. After teaching many of the same classes/styles for 12 years, i’ve decided its time for a change! The videos and book are excellent instructional sources for those non-lasted styles…

  • Do you make off the rack / ready to wear shoes?

    NOT YET! My partner and I are currently designing and developing a contemporary line of shoes… stay tuned!